Some familiar voices are chiming in on Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and what they have to say is completely damning to say the least.
Framing herself as a candidate women should rally behind, Hillary has pushed the narrative of a “War On Women” and slammed Republicans for “oppressing” women. Given her husband’s history with the fairer sex, however, Hillary’s claim couldn’t be further from the truth.
During his campaign and administration, Bill Clinton was accused by a litany of women of philandering with and even raping them.
First there was Juanita Broaddrick, who said that Clinton forced himself on her all the way back in 1978.
Then there was Kathleen Willey, who was actually a volunteer at the White House when the president assaulted her.
Despite the high number of women who came forward and the similarities between the allegations, liberals rallied around Clinton and slandered the accusers, with Hillary herself leading the charge against them.
Turn to the next page to hear these women speak out:
One sick screwed up bunch of Libaturds socialist evil sexual predators. I know there cannot be enough voters that think what they have done and, are doing, and will do is ok that they would vote for her. If there are I say Lord have mercy on your souls. Jesus please I pray that this will never ever happen to our country. We need a Holy Ghost revival !!! Sweet Jesus protect us I pray.’
A picture is worth a thousand words. Lol. Look at this hounddog
So true on all counts Sharon B. we better be careful, they are going to arrest anyone on facebook that speaks badly about Obama or any of his henchmen or women.
I was a Human Relations NCO in the Army starting in 1977. The military 1st Coed living quarters was in Korea in 1975. It was tested at the 121st EVAC Hospital in Seoul Korea. I was in those quarters. 1977 I was giving classes on sex discrimination in Germany. After the Clinton Presidency alot on defining of sex discrimination was discussed and policies were put in place because of how Clinton flaunted the law. He claimed that oral sex was not concidered sexual relations in his mind tyring to justify his actions of lying before a Grand Jury and the discussions began defining relations and discrimination.
Hiller y .would do better without
Bill womanizer.he has no respect
For women,
She’s a lier and a nasty old Hag
The dude is sick sexual predator
Hillary knows her husbands weaknesses ! She’s no better then him
Can we please be done with these pieces of $^*T !!