Some familiar voices are chiming in on Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and what they have to say is completely damning to say the least.
Framing herself as a candidate women should rally behind, Hillary has pushed the narrative of a “War On Women” and slammed Republicans for “oppressing” women. Given her husband’s history with the fairer sex, however, Hillary’s claim couldn’t be further from the truth.
During his campaign and administration, Bill Clinton was accused by a litany of women of philandering with and even raping them.
First there was Juanita Broaddrick, who said that Clinton forced himself on her all the way back in 1978.
Then there was Kathleen Willey, who was actually a volunteer at the White House when the president assaulted her.
Despite the high number of women who came forward and the similarities between the allegations, liberals rallied around Clinton and slandered the accusers, with Hillary herself leading the charge against them.
Turn to the next page to hear these women speak out:
the question is really, “Do those voters oin the left have the integrity and yeas- even the level of morality necessary to not vote for a clearly lawless and lothesome individual such as Hellery Clinton”? Tpoo which the answer will be, “NO, the left wing electorate does NOT have the integrity nor morality to not vote for such a lawless and loathesome person… Why? Because to the left, the END always JUSTFIES the means. As a group, with very few exceptions in my experience, they have no concept fo integrit, morality or even honor. hence the degenerate sociatey we now live in.
She supports her husband a known pervert who used women as his own sex toys and the Oval Office as his sex play house. She calls the women$#%&!@*and other names but refuses to blame the one person who should have known better. She then says that Trump disrespects women. He did insult Rosie O’Donnell and she is a pig. She insulted the National Anthem. Donald has always shown women respect and raised his daughter with some class.
I agree Michelle S. What is the latest count now, 44 or 45? It’s not too late though.
I wonder if Bill is secretly scared of ole Hillary?
And don’t forget Bengaxi, and all the military that has been killed because she had her head up her well you know the rest.
You go Sandra, your wrote a great post.
Those women are going to come out of the woodwork.
Oh and where is all the feminists? Why so quite ??
I’m a woman, and I would never want her to be my candidate. I think, or at least hope, women are smarter than to fall for a liar like Hillary Clinton.
These women need to spread this all over