Some familiar voices are chiming in on Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and what they have to say is completely damning to say the least.
Framing herself as a candidate women should rally behind, Hillary has pushed the narrative of a “War On Women” and slammed Republicans for “oppressing” women. Given her husband’s history with the fairer sex, however, Hillary’s claim couldn’t be further from the truth.
During his campaign and administration, Bill Clinton was accused by a litany of women of philandering with and even raping them.
First there was Juanita Broaddrick, who said that Clinton forced himself on her all the way back in 1978.
Then there was Kathleen Willey, who was actually a volunteer at the White House when the president assaulted her.
Despite the high number of women who came forward and the similarities between the allegations, liberals rallied around Clinton and slandered the accusers, with Hillary herself leading the charge against them.
Turn to the next page to hear these women speak out:
Google, “ClintonBody Count.”
I’m sure their lives have been scrutinised every way possible and I’d bet the rent, they fear for their lives if they talk. Can you say Vince Foster ?
how can you blame bill clinton having a mistress she having mistresses to
Biggest crime of these two is letting them talk and telling us just how much they don’t smell to high heaven…………..
Secret service behind the scene code name energizer bunny for President Clinton’s girl friend.
They are both worthless human beings!
She is just like him, evil. Set out to distory American values.
the$#%&!@*and slick$#%&!@*willi have helped the rape cover ups for ever its time we get honesty in DC and trumph will put them away on death row