Some familiar voices are chiming in on Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and what they have to say is completely damning to say the least.
Framing herself as a candidate women should rally behind, Hillary has pushed the narrative of a “War On Women” and slammed Republicans for “oppressing” women. Given her husband’s history with the fairer sex, however, Hillary’s claim couldn’t be further from the truth.
During his campaign and administration, Bill Clinton was accused by a litany of women of philandering with and even raping them.
First there was Juanita Broaddrick, who said that Clinton forced himself on her all the way back in 1978.
Then there was Kathleen Willey, who was actually a volunteer at the White House when the president assaulted her.
Despite the high number of women who came forward and the similarities between the allegations, liberals rallied around Clinton and slandered the accusers, with Hillary herself leading the charge against them.
Turn to the next page to hear these women speak out:
She is so sick
Nobody with half a brain would vote for her…. Uhh oh
goofy granny
Monica got the hoagie and the stogie.
Most women have higher standards than Hillary and could never think of the lies Hillary has told.
Oh she is such a prize. Protecting her precious Billy so she could run for President. Plus she cut a deal with Obama to have a place in his cabinet. She would deal with the devil if it would buy her the presidency!!!
This is all u Christians can do? Name 1 bill or legislation since 2009 that helps struggling hard working Americans better themselves and their families
JIM JONES KOOL AID DAYS GONE WILD !!!!living in the Corporate Government banking Jim Jones slavery plantation death camp compound drinking their Kool Aid of pollution,toxins,chemicals,after their medias,religions,and education does the Jim Jones indoctrination,conditioning,coercion,forcing,mind war,mind control,social engineering,brainwashing,contradictions,propaganda,and more..To bad you do not know,realize,or understand it with that chemical tin foil cap of fluoride,mercury,and lead on by what you eat and drink.All as the cult members spies,informs,lies,deceives,ruins,abuses,neglects,punishes,torments,tortures,destroys,and murders one another..
Realy i dont feel sorry for any of the Clintons they are all Traitors and Greedy people and Liars for the World too see
Thats because she is a Nanci lover