One of things we all heard as kids was the adage that “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Given that no nation is absolutely pure in all its motives and actions, it would be nice if political leaders wouldn’t jettison that from their memories upon talking office. Some do maintain a bit of humility while still being very proud of America, as they should be. Others just shoot off their mouths, irresponsibly of course. Then we have the other extreme, exemplified by Mr. Obama, who spent his eight years apologizing for America and bowing before both foreign leaders and despots. Thankfully, he’s gone
Speaking of Mr. Obama, he spent a lot of time ordering drone strikes and taking other actions that resulted in thousands of civilian causalities. It can be argued whether these military actions were appropriate or not, but it is clear that the loss of life was tragic. It’s equally clear that such actions have done nothing to improve our relations with the countries where such attacks were launched.
When Donald Trump correctly acknowledges that the United States government has not been blame-free, especially in the context of his desire to have harmonious relations with Mr. Putin and Russia, the media and left go wild. More on page two.
IMO if bill o’reilly can’t provide proof to that statement he should give an apology.
Putin is a good leader ,he is not the kind of guy people think, he is just normal, friendly, he even play karate with Steve Seagal , he is cool, he is very friendly ,,
And we should be surprised? Go back to Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan and Clinton. Some of the Ops were botched some never saw the light of day and some succeeded. Remember the old joke William F Buckley used to tell? How do you know the attempted assassination on Sunarno was a botched CIA operation? Everyone in the room was dead except Sunarno! And how about Kennedy’s team attempting to assassinate Fidel Castro by slipping him poison cigars. Only the dumbest Liberals on the planet believe the US doesn’t engage in dirty tricks!
I think it was uncalled for. Bill needs to set it straight!!
He’ll go as recent as Obama. One of the leaders he took out was not approved but only by him
O’Reilly is rude,can’t stand him
Orange idiot
Putin is indeed a killer, but hey what can you do? If you want to talk to Russians, then you have to talk to him first.
Trump’s no fool; he knows with whom he is dealing.