The Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol has defiantly opposed Trump throughout the entire primary election, promising time and time again that the billionaire businessman would not become the Republican nominee, and would definitely never become president.
Well, Kristol failed the former promise, but he seems hell-bent on making the latter come true. Now that Trump has secured the requisite delegates for the GOP nod, it looks as if Kristol has moved on to plan B, a third-party candidacy. Sure, he has threatened such a ticket for months, but a tweet sent out over the Memorial Day weekend appears to confirm that the plan has been set in motion and that details will be incoming very soon.
This news comes right as former Republican governor Gary Johnson secured the Libertarian party’s nomination at their own contested convention. While the party nearly always ends up an after-thought in November, recent polling shows Johnson pulling in double-digit support.
It seems these so-called “conservative” politicians would rather siphon votes from Trump than admit that the Republican nominee has the only chance of beating Hillary Clinton. Instead, they seem more than willing to hand her the keys to the White House.
See Bill Kristol’s cryptic tweet — and Trump’s response — on the next page:
Kristol go fkn home idiot people don,t need your f n comments jerk brain
We have an impressive candite and his name is TRUMP.
A desperate attempt to put some meaning into his pathetic old life
Just how Corrupt is the government?
We need a Bernie Sanders third party ticket to split the lib vote(s)!
If we are suppose to keep referring to these fools as “conservatives”, then from now on I only want to be addressed as “the most interesting man in the world”…
Why are you brain dead stupid fucks trying to bring down the country that made you rich? Oh thats right I said what yoyr problem was in my question.
“Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not stirring a race war. Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazzi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian ,Al-Qaeda. Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East. Trump did not betray Israel. Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Trump did not give our military secrets to China. Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia. Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans. Trump did not cripple our economy. Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Trump did not ruin our credit, twice. Trump did not double African American unemployment. Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years. Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans. Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay. Trump did not steal your rights!”