The establishment may be betting on hard on Trump’s inability to win on a first ballot– and the certainty that he would almost definitely lose on subsequent votes — but that isn’t stopping them from making back-up plans, just in case.
The latest hail Mary doesn’t involve the Republican party at all. Instead, Bill Kristol is beginning to make short-list of potential Republican establishmentarians that can run as a third party should Donald Trump clinch the Republican nomination.
Of course, this move would all but guarantee a Hillary Clinton victory in November. While defeating the former secretary of state has been stated as then umber one priority of the GOP, this revelation shows that toppling Trump may be more important to the establishment than delivering a Republican to the White House. If it can’t be one of their pre-ordained, it seems, then they’d rather not have anyone ay all.
To see who made the list of potential third party spoilers, continue reading on the next page:
Don’t you see Sage Pini, when Milton Billings says the majority will decide, he means on the second ballot.
Well, certainly Romney will not energize the #NeverTrump folks like me. Romney as a third party run against Trump and Clinton or Sanders would lead to a lot of conservative abstentions or write ins.
Exactly Bette Hutchens 🙂 that is this countries only hope for a decent president.
If Trump wins the Republican party nomination, the Republican party is finished.
If you are voting in a primary, it is as part of a political party. If you don’t believe in the values of the party, why are you a member? Why don’t you find a party you can agree with, and fight for them to get ballot access?
He is such a little worm! Thought he had disappeared! And who cares what you think! None of us Trump supporters care what you or anyone else thinks!! What are all of you scared of! Does he have something on all of you that you are afraid will be exposed!! Thy does protest tooooo much! GO TRUMP!
Sad commentary on our political system irregardless of who you vote for, we shall pay a high price for it one day, probably soon
Mr president Trump .
Think Trump could win on a third ticket. America realizing it’s time to clean house when both parties are manipulating the election