One of the most important figures in the GOP establishment has accidentally spilled the beans about Paul Ryan’s attempts to shut down Donald Trump.
Not many Republican insiders are able to match the unbridled hatred Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol for the party’s nominee. Initially dismissing Trump as an irrelevant blowhard, Kristol was shocked to see that conservatives rallied behind the real estate tycoon in a way that they never did for any of the candidates he gave his stamp of approval to. Seemingly bitter about this, Kristol has become one of the main voices of the “NeverTrump” movement, despite the fact that Trump’s defeat will hand the White House over to Hillary Clinton.
Apparently deciding to find middle ground between Trump supporters and NeverTrump Republicans like Kristol, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has formally endorsed the candidate, but has been quick to criticize almost every policy proposal he has offered since then. As Kristol inadvertently revealed, this is no accident.
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Paul Ryan is for the 65,000 Illegals who Hillary want to come into America! He’s even said he was fore Hillary Clinton???Hillary want’s to bring in 65,000 illegals & Muslim in a year or even more! To over crowd America! If Hillary get in it will be another 4 years of Obama !!!!Obama entered Office without ANY successful executive experience! And 8 year’s later he’ll leave the same way!!!!!On the other hand Donald J. Trump has been a successful business man in everything he’s done! He will make a wonderful President! He’s for the people and for America! A big difference!
Yes something fishy!!!!!
Mr. Ryan and Mr. McCain if you and the establishment don’t get behind our nominee not yours and we lose this electon to Hilliary Clinton. I promise you we will not forget what you and the establishment did to us and America if you or any of you are even thinking about running in 2020. We have a long memory. If the American people get sucked in by Hilliary’s lies and corruption shame on you. When most of your rights will be taken away and given to the muslims, black lives matter group, special interests, bathroom laws, second and first amendent because Hilliary said Sunday she would have the power to change it without congress if she needs too. You better listen and study real hard at her speeches. Who is going to pay for all this free stuff, how are people going to pay high rates for the continuing Obama care and now she is going to raise taxes for the middle class. People better start worrying about how they are ever going to be able to start saving money, I just don’t see it with her crazy promises. Donald may be loud sometimes, but at least he tells it like it is. Why aren’t the media talking about Mr Khan’s background and what he believes it. He is an attorney for a group who supports terrorism, he has ties with the clinton foundation. He does bill and hilliary’s taxes. He helped revised the Islam law. If he believes in the Islam law then he certainly doesn’t believe in the consititution. People you better wake up if you want to get America back. I don’t want to hear anymore about Mr. Khan. He is now running his mouth all over palestine dowing our nonimation. Do you think we the people are dumb? Do you not think we think for ourselves and do our own research? Do you really believe we put and trust in the liberal media?
Why is he 46% in the polls winning in Wisconsin? Are the wisconsin people that unimformed?
Oh have lost your credibility long ago..crawl back under your f**e news ragazine.
If we all ignore the Kristroll will he go away? Boycott anything this man has any part of. If he is on TV change the channel, if he is on the WEB use a different URL and if he sends you email, unsubscribe. This man is nothing more that a disgruntled leach.
Ryan is an Obama puppet
We need a new speaker