One of the most important figures in the GOP establishment has accidentally spilled the beans about Paul Ryan’s attempts to shut down Donald Trump.
Not many Republican insiders are able to match the unbridled hatred Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol for the party’s nominee. Initially dismissing Trump as an irrelevant blowhard, Kristol was shocked to see that conservatives rallied behind the real estate tycoon in a way that they never did for any of the candidates he gave his stamp of approval to. Seemingly bitter about this, Kristol has become one of the main voices of the “NeverTrump” movement, despite the fact that Trump’s defeat will hand the White House over to Hillary Clinton.
Apparently deciding to find middle ground between Trump supporters and NeverTrump Republicans like Kristol, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has formally endorsed the candidate, but has been quick to criticize almost every policy proposal he has offered since then. As Kristol inadvertently revealed, this is no accident.
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Big surprise there!! Weasley little$#%&!@*couldn’t do anything honorable if his life depended on it!!
they are all trying to take trump down, but now the shoe is on the other foot. Paul Ryan to me he looks like a 2 faced, go #Trump go,
You and Ryan can go to hell…
Against Mr. Trump and FOR Hillary and Obama!!!! Vote him out and run his butt out of town!!!!!
ya think
Trust me, he didn’t want to but did it to attempt to unify the Republican Party. He was only trying to help.
That’s no secret, even morons know Ryan is nothing but an$#%&!@*RINO!!!
Who made this guy relevant , no one cares what you have to say , you are a politician want to be , you don’t speak for conservatives ,
Ryan will have to answer to the people.
It’s NO secret, turncoat jackass ryan.