There is finally a congressman that is determined to respect and protect the rights and sovereignty of United States citizens, and his name is Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama. He recently introduced a bill that would restore American independence and have the U.S. withdraw from the United Nations.
It is about time!
The U.N. is a corrupt and power hungry organization of lawless thugs that steals from the U.S. and continually uses its platform to plunder our wealth and attack our position. There may be some benefits for continuing to support the organization, but they are far outweighed by the negatives.
Read about the scandals and power grabs by the U.N. that make our departure necessary, page 2:
Brent BozellRep. Mia B. LoveSenator Tom CottonSenator Ted CruzUnited States Senator Mike LeeMike PenceLarry ElderSteven CrowderLaura IngrahamMichelle MalkinMichele BachmannRand Paul 2016Ron PaulGreg AbbottCJ PearsonRush Limbaugh
TheBlazeAllen West RepublicChepo TeamCol. Rob Maness (ret.)Deneen Borelli
Fox Carolina NewsFox 32 ChicagoWIS TVWGN TV
If true I am behind it completely. See how long it lasts if we pull out and kick their sorry butts out of our country.
Franklin Graham
Let them move to Brussels see if they can support themselves
About time!