It’s yet another unbelievable story – these days we had better say believable – that mixes elitist billionaires and Big Pharma armed with cutting-edge biotech, wireless remote control technology and fueled by an unholy passion for planetary depopulation. Hold on tight; we’re about to find out why Bill Gates hopes to start human beta testing implantable chips. And more importantly, why he wants to implant them in wives and daughters worldwide:
Fat chance!
is this what he(?) uses?
Who in the hell died and left this man God? This man needs to leave the country before somebody assisnates him. No one should have control over anyone woman or girl’s body. That would be government controlled and just because you have millions and millions of dollars for stupid$#%&!@*like this, you should be using this to help the people of the USA in which country you have made your money and probably hide it in overseas banks so until you contribute your money for betterment of this country then shut the F up… make your daughter the first to try it. I am sure you and Soros have been funding all these riots and not so peaceful protests. I dislike you no I hate you more and more everytime you hope your mouth and say something stupid we as American should be doing that you want us to do. Go to Europe with your family and live and see how they that way of life.
he has a wife son and a daughter. sterilize the son too
Audrey Rathbun just as bad as soros
Yes I know
My husband will lock and load …knock on our door,,,,
he did it in India and paid a paulty fee to the parent of the young girls and alot died