It’s yet another unbelievable story – these days we had better say believable – that mixes elitist billionaires and Big Pharma armed with cutting-edge biotech, wireless remote control technology and fueled by an unholy passion for planetary depopulation. Hold on tight; we’re about to find out why Bill Gates hopes to start human beta testing implantable chips. And more importantly, why he wants to implant them in wives and daughters worldwide:
Bill Gates is a pos that has his hands in common core when he’s kids go to private school. Oh and he believes we need population control. Shut up and go spend your money
Put one made of lead right up his$#%&!@*
Another evil man trying to control others!
Gates is not a doctor or a scientist. He is a computer geek that got rich off his friends.
Hey Gates! Why don’t you stick that damn thing up your pee hole?
Touch my wife or daughter, and you definatly wont like my responce
This is terrifying on so many levels. $#%&!@*forced sterilized many thousands of people during his short reign and his reach was only Europe. This could be injected under the guise of a simple flu shot to every women in the world. Entire populations of people deemed unworthy could be eradicated with in one generation. Or think on a lesser scale, having to pay for the right to have a baby, because you need the code to turn the damn thing off. There are so many possible ways to misuse this, for lack of a better term, mark of the beast, I’m truly terrified. I only hope women say no and refuse the device if it makes it to human trials.