It’s yet another unbelievable story – these days we had better say believable – that mixes elitist billionaires and Big Pharma armed with cutting-edge biotech, wireless remote control technology and fueled by an unholy passion for planetary depopulation. Hold on tight; we’re about to find out why Bill Gates hopes to start human beta testing implantable chips. And more importantly, why he wants to implant them in wives and daughters worldwide:
This man is Sickoooooo
He and Soros are evil men…. with too much money and both wanting One World Order….
Want in one hand and$#%&!@*in the other and see which one fills up first, dumbest$#%&!@*I have heard in a few weeks now
Crazy rich lobbyist lune
Got money for brains. Jews were labeled by the Nazis. No person should be tagged, or bugged most stupid thing I have ever heard of. Pagan.
Such a lie
Implant a gimmick in the men!
bend over dude
Let him do the first on his wife and kids…..then we’ll talk!