What do you get when you unleash elitist billionaires and Big Pharma on the world, arm them with cutting-edge biotech, wireless remote control technology and fuel the mix with an unholy passion for planetary depopulation? Hold on tight; we’re about to find out if Bill Gates has his way. One of the Microsoft Billionaire’s pet projects is rolling out a truly horrifying bit of technology that is thinly disguised as a tool for female empowerment. On the following pages you’ll learn about the product of this witch’s-brew of tech that ultimately transfers control of some of the most basic human functions into the hands of multinational corporations:
bikin chip untuk immigrant supaya
Baik lokasi
Juga percakapan
Juga orang sekitar chip
Juga denyut jantung dll
Supaya tak bikin onar
Dan sumber energi bisa ikuti tehnologi jam rolex yg ikut denyut jantung atau panas tubuh
Chip tertanam pada immigrant karena ilegal sebangai pengganti surat menyurat juga terdeteksi dini untuk cegah tindakan crime
Gates is a sick rich punk.
Not sure he means well!
Evil at work
Bill.needs to take one
Fix the dern spelling in the title, it doesn’t look good on you…
Give it to all bad Muslims