There are many worrisome aspects of wireless “pregnancy-Gates,” but they all come back to one fundamental question: “Who is in control of the woman’s ability to conceive?” Rights activists insist that women have “the right to choose,” but if a wirelessly activated chip, provided and maintained by Big Pharma controls a woman’s fertility how is that empowering?
What if there is a malfunction? Do we want to rely on a birth control chip remaining error free and harmless? And that assumes there is never any malicious action involving criminals hacking wireless signals or even, heaven forbid, some overt misconduct by the organization that provides and maintains the chip. Eugenics, anyone?
OK, that is starting to be just terrifying BUT THAT’S NOT EVEN THE WORST!
Start with Hollywood.
It’s called agenda 30.
Bill you need Jesus my man, when did we go from trying to save lives, to trying to take them. Btw are you and your ultra rich friends decision makers of who dies and who don’t? I promise you you don’t want to start a war.
People need to read the UN Agenda 21 & the US Council in Foreign Relatiobs GGII program. All of these things going on are part of these programs!
Ted Turner wants a 95% reduction.
Did old Ted volunteer to go first??? Silly question….
Hopefully the liberals go first then we can stand up to these challenges and threats rather than help push them
Why does Bill Gates want to get rid of all the people? Does he plan to live forever and wants the whole planet to himself and his family.
This will not end well.