In a recent performance of anti-democracy sentiment, Bill Gates gave his full support for anti-constitutionalism and anti-democracy as a whole, stating that only socialism could save us from the “growing” threat that is climate change.
He claimed that the private sector is “inept” and that only bigger government led by China and the United States can truly save us all. Well, what about the mounting evidence that climate change isn’t real?
And what about the fact that liberals have no evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently, if you’re as rich as Bill Gates, you can actually buy logical thinking off thousands of people, throw it away, and then convince them all that you’re right.
Read more about this hypocrisy on the next page.
He didn’t mind the money this country enabled him to make.
the u.s. here was NEVER a `democracy’ in the first place, it’s a constitutionally-limited republic. not once in the constituion of the united states or in the declaration of independence does it mention the word `democracy’. A `democracy’, is the lowest form of rule, it’s even lower than communisim and soicialisim. it’s mob-rule.
Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to reptresent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administartion of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment and progress. Is the standard form of government.
A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of “direct” expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic–negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the majority shall regulate whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.
Alright listen up! We all know talk is cheap. There was a time when just 3% of a young, developing nation summoned the courage to take up arms against their oppressors; their own government had a foot on their necks! We need to come to grips with the cold hard fact that tyranny will come in the form of law enforcement. Many of you are pro-cop. This is understandable. Many of us still remember “Officer Friendly.” The guy with a simple revolver who would pull over and help you if you were broke down with a flat… Officer Friendly is long gone. In fact, when you get a chance, why don’t you have a chat with an old school cop. Most of them are embarrassed by today’s cops. Protect and serve doesn’t mean anything to these guys. They’ve been militarized in gear, and militarized in mind; they are the occupiers, we are the enemy. That’s the truth. Why else would they be militarizing to the extent that they have? Who are they gearing up for?
Now I pose the question to you: If you know you didn’t break the law but a group of cops shows up at your place saying that you have, what do you do? Think about it real hard. Do you submit, open the door, go to jail where you sit for months before you ever go to court? What if YOU know your rights and you know they are violating them? What would our forefathers do? Don’t forget, EVERYTHING THIS NATION WAS BUILT ON WAS ILLEGAL under the crown’s government!
We will never get ANYWHERE if, in trying to overturn unconstitutional mandates, we abide by the same; nothing will happen if we glorify the new Red Coats, the boys in blue, who enforce tyranny under the threat of force and color of law.
Having said this, I’m calling all real patriots, all true 3%ers; we need your support. Come to our page. Read “Dustin’s Story.” Help us get the word out. Tyranny came knocking on his door; armored vehicles, bomb squads, snipers and grenade launchers. He was wanted on an unconstitutional- and thus invalid- misdemeanor charge of driving on a suspended license, 1st offense. The truth of the matter is, according to their own report, they were aware of his stance on government, knew he was armed pursuant to the 2nd Amendment, and deemed him a threat. They showed up with shotguns drawn. When he didn’t come out, they showed up in full paramilitary force. With all the nobility and honor of a man who knew what could happen, he ordered his girlfriend to take his dogs and leave; he could not just surrender with dignity.
He single handedly held off a multi pronged assault while consciously NOT harming any of his assailants; he intentionally did not fire directly on or at any of them even though he had all the opportunity in the world to do so.
Read his story, how they stood around his house for 4 1/2 hours, wide open, and not a shot was fired. Read about how the folks he was on the phone with verify and confirm that he was telling them how they were violating the Constitution, how THEY were the criminals, how he knew where the snipers were, less than 100 yards away… How he had thousands of rounds of ammo including armor piercing; he could’ve killed people that day but didn’t. Instead, he sent the message: Don’t tread on me! He sent the armored vehicle running, all without putting a single scratch on anyone even though he COULD have. He TOLD them he was armed and what he was armed with, when he could have lied and lured them into a trap.
He prevented them from trying to enter, and in doing so, prevented them from forcing him to defend himself. He SAVED lives that day!!
How did they repay him? They beat him savagely after he surrendered and after he was in cuffs, then they charged him with 10 counts of attempted murder on a law enforcement officer, each one punishable by life. Then, at the jail, they put him on Suicide Prevention (SP) for 20 days, and 23 hr a day lockdown. Nothing in your cell but your gown and half a blanket… No books, nothing to write with, no mail, no socks, no underwear, no eating utensils even during meals, lights on 24/7. Nothing! His 23-hr a day lockdown status lasted 6 months. That’s twice a day (minimum) strip searches, “red zone” mandatory taser areas, no movement without waist chains, shackles and cuffs. To go to court, you get a remote control shock box attached to your leg.
Please, learn this story. Share it. Help us spread awareness of this story. You supported Cliven Bundy and the Militia response to federal tyranny; they defied the law. They were right. Dustin was right, too. And almost died for it. Now his life is on the line in court, and they WILL screw him if the public’s eye is not on his trial.
He’s been advised to go the insanity route. He refuses. He doesn’t feel it’s insane to know and defend your rights. He’s advised his mediocre public defender to NOT advise him of any plea deals. It’s all or nothing, people! We just need to put this case in the spot light. Stand with Dustin Heathman.
Interesting that Bill Gates says that since it was capitalism in a democracy that made his millions. Don’t think he could have ‘cut’ that kind of a deal anywhere else.
Say the richest man
are you a traitor too america to
Suck a$#%&!@*Bill Gates!
Just proves that some of the most successful people on the planet have absolutely zero common sense!
Bill Gates go to jail
It mad u rich u POS. BATARD