In a recent performance of anti-democracy sentiment, Bill Gates gave his full support for anti-constitutionalism and anti-democracy as a whole, stating that only socialism could save us from the “growing” threat that is climate change.
He claimed that the private sector is “inept” and that only bigger government led by China and the United States can truly save us all. Well, what about the mounting evidence that climate change isn’t real?
And what about the fact that liberals have no evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently, if you’re as rich as Bill Gates, you can actually buy logical thinking off thousands of people, throw it away, and then convince them all that you’re right.
Read more about this hypocrisy on the next page.
Global Leaders are like the members of Vichy France. They cut deals with the oppressors to reward themselves and betray the Republique and its citizens. Vive la résistance!
you have failed
Clearly money doesn’t make one intelligent!!!
Obama has just FAILED period!
Bill, all the money in the world could not buy you a drop of common sense.
You kid me smart man! People in charge of Democracy are the only failures, and in our country they are know as Democrats, guess what! That all ends Nov. 2016, when the Republicans take controll. You are part of the problem, you give alot of money, to political jerks, like the Clintons, without giving a dame about him and Monica, or her being a Felonist, it’s all about power for you! It’s time for you to back, honest people, who care more about our Countries Democracy, than power and greed! You talk more about removing people from earth, than helping those who are stuck under what is becomming a Tyranny Government. Your right it is failing because people like you are not stopping, people like Obama! Why would you agree to the Iran deal, and not talk against, something that only Iran, gains from, it’s the poorist business deal on earth! You don’t say anything because you can get a President onto your Billion Dollar Boat? How much have you done to put down George Soros, who actually paid people to screew up Ferguson? Yes, you do a lot of good, and so does your wife! However, this current world is what we are stuck with, even if all you rich people meet and determine too many people on earth, and we are stuck with a Terrorist Lover for one more year, we need a little more help, from guy’s like you, to tell the Democrat law makers, to stop being lap dogs to our totally unqualified President, and to work using common sense! I think, in general you have a good heart, and you show us we can also become rich, with a good idea, like you have, because we are in the Best Country in the world. It’s so hard for me, to believe, you don’t want others to do as you did, make it big! The Democrat’s promote 47,000,000 people living off of big government, sitting home watching TV, only to have hard working tax payers to support them. Please rethink what you support!
You know on one hand like the article says,he makes millions,and yet,does not truly value,or accept,that the Constitution and democracy go hand in hand. Clearly he is one of the most ungrateful billionaires. It is like Ronald Reagan said once-government is not the solution,but rather,it is in fact,part of the problem. And those words ring true still today. So why are so many people beguiled by Obama and all the law breakers?
That’s why you’re the richest guy on the planet – ugh! where do we go from here, Mr Gates????
This is not a Democracy stupid!
Who says too much money won’t make you looney?