In a recent performance of anti-democracy sentiment, Bill Gates gave his full support for anti-constitutionalism and anti-democracy as a whole, stating that only socialism could save us from the “growing” threat that is climate change.
He claimed that the private sector is “inept” and that only bigger government led by China and the United States can truly save us all. Well, what about the mounting evidence that climate change isn’t real?
And what about the fact that liberals have no evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently, if you’re as rich as Bill Gates, you can actually buy logical thinking off thousands of people, throw it away, and then convince them all that you’re right.
Read more about this hypocrisy on the next page.
A democracy id defined as
A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives.
But what we in the western culture have is a system that is now governed by big banks who alter the rules to suit themselves
Give all your money to charity and go live in a socialist nation and see if you can get where you are now hypocrite please spare me.
F’king IDIOT
YOU have failed democracy and Capitalism…
How can someone so smart be so stupid???
It sure made him a ton of money!
This eugenist p***k needs his throat slit.
Grub of humanity
NO *