In a recent performance of anti-democracy sentiment, Bill Gates gave his full support for anti-constitutionalism and anti-democracy as a whole, stating that only socialism could save us from the “growing” threat that is climate change.
He claimed that the private sector is “inept” and that only bigger government led by China and the United States can truly save us all. Well, what about the mounting evidence that climate change isn’t real?
And what about the fact that liberals have no evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently, if you’re as rich as Bill Gates, you can actually buy logical thinking off thousands of people, throw it away, and then convince them all that you’re right.
Read more about this hypocrisy on the next page.
This is a republic not a democracy Dems run those that’s why they fail!
Wonder what made him a billionaire ???????????????????
He should be set on fire.
Jane Coffey All of which enabled him to fund his genocide programs in Africa and India. Yes, indeedy, a fine huan being. He’s also experimenting with releasing plagues and God knows what else via mosquitoes, did you know that, Jane? Maybe we should vote him Planetary Citizen of the Year.
We are a Republic ! Bill Gates is a piece of works! He is taking part in destroying our country by taking part in funding Common Core! He does not care about our children. He only cares about making money! Someday he will be accountable for what he has done!
One of our newest Communists.
He did good under it.
A Obama consiperder
He is now too rich to have a clue what’s going on with the rest of us.