The Democrats’ unmitigated hatred for our armed forces was on full display in a disgusting exchange between a veteran and Bill Clinton.
With Bernie Sanders slowly but steadily chomping away at Hillary’s lead, Bill took to the campaign trail to rally the troops between his wife. He made a stop in South Carolina before the state primary, although given the deferential treatment accorded to him by liberals, he was almost certainly taken aback by the reception he got there.
At one point during the Q&A session after his talk, a former Marine Drill Sergeant rose from the audience to ask a question. He went on to give some context to his question by describing his service in Iraq and his relationship with the men he served with. Clearly irritated, Clinton pressed the vet to get to his question. But when he finally heard the Marine’s question, he probably wished he hadn’t been so quick to do so.
Watch video of the heated exchange on the next page:
She is a lier
And that is the way they treat anyone that does not buy the lies
It was a legitimate question, and Hillary should pay for her crimes, but that marine was clearly missing a few screws.
Expose all those damn crooks
The Emergency Committee for Israel has put out a new ad slamming Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for “kissing up to dictators.” The ad starts with a freeze-shot of Trump wearing his famous “Make America Great Again” hat, except the hat says “Trump Loves Dictators” instead. Next, clips play of Trump saying that he “100 percent” agrees the world would be better off with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in power, defending the idea of Bashar al-Assad remaining in power in Syria because he would beat the alternative, and suggesting Vladimir Putin-led Russia “can be a positive force and an ally.”
He has dune lost it
The desperation to stop trump is priceless, being called a con man by a politician well that one is to easy to even comment, wait we have an interview we can spin on him to connect him to the KKK, run 700 articles an hour hurry hurry only 24 hours until Super Tuesday, trump threat is at defcon 5, meanwhile more e-mails about Hilary were released this weekend and crickets are heard
She has lie so has he treating are arm service like this is a shame . Those people treated him bad soldiers life matters
Well she abandoned those soldiers in Benghazi. I would boo every politician at their rallies.
Trump 2016TRUMP