Complaining that many Americans still remain skeptical of Hillary’s dream of open borders, Bill told audience members at the Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly that “old gray-haired white guys” are depriving the US of the only thing that “keep[s] us young”. That thing, of course, is unrestricted immigration, something that Bill seems to forget he once understood as a major problem years ago:
“‘But so has coal country, and most of them are supporting [Hillary’s] opponent because they’ve been told that President Obama and those of us who think something has to be done about climate change are responsible for the loss of those jobs.’
‘Even in our own lives, there are reasons to be angry. But answers work better. There are always reasons to be frustrated. But empowerment is the only answer.’
‘Conflict is fun in sports,” Clinton said, referring to being in the ’empowerment business’ instead of the ‘resentment business.’
‘In the last few days, do me a favor,’ Clinton said. “Don’t fight fire with fire. These people who are spreading all this division and badmouthing America and badmouthing our future. They’re against immigration reform when that’s the only thing that we got keeping us young right now. Our first-generation Americans.”
Source: Breitbart
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