I don’t recall who made the observation, but I think it was a political leader from Britain. It was made in the midst of Bill Clinton’s time in the White House and went something like this, “Bill Clinton is an excellent politician, a mediocre president, and a bad man.”
Bill Clinton did know how to run a successful campaign, although he did not seem to be of much help to Hillary. We recall his referring to Donald Trump’s supporters as a “bunch of rednecks.” Since a lot of those “rednecks” are hard-working American citizens, perhaps talking down to them wasn’t the best idea. It certainly wasn’t one of Bill’s high points in the campaign.
He does know how to stay on script with the doctrine of Hillary’s infallibility. Something other than Hillary had to be the cause of her devastating loss. And if you can’t find an explanation, then just make something up and make it sound believable.
President-elect Donald Trump “doesn’t know much,” former President Bill Clinton told a local newspaper earlier this month, but “one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”
There are a number of obnoxious insults and digs in that remark. Yet the remark does beg the question — assuming all these “angry, white men” exist, who’s fault is that? What has angered them? Could it be that they are tired of seeing traditional American culture and values being destroyed by failed left-wing ideologies? And there must have been a lot of angry women as well since Hillary did not pull from that group as well as she expected.
Mr. Clinton continues his efforts to blame Hillary’s loss on anything other than Hillary.
On the question of Russian cyberattacks damaging the candidacy of his wife, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, the former president said “you would need to have a single-digit IQ not to recognize what was going on.” But he blamed FBI Director James Comey for her loss, telling those gathered around him that he had “cost her the election” by announcing with less than two weeks to go before the election that the bureau was examining fresh evidence related to her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
He’s back to insulting people again. There are people who no doubt have extremely high IQs who don’t buy into the “blame Russia” story. Then he blamed the FBI Director, neglecting to mention that had Hillary not engaged in weird and no-doubt illegal email schemes, the FBI Director would have had nothing to talk about regarding Hillary’s emails.
While some of this can be entertaining, it’s also very tiresome.
Hillary is not infallible. In fact, she was a dreadful candidate. She thought she had the election in the bag, and clearly believed that becoming the first woman president was her birthright. Her arrogance seems to know no limits.
Bill Clinton is a bore. He comes up with not one original thought, but just spews the same unfounded rumors to which we’ve been subjected as the only explanation for Hillary’s loss.
The Clinton Mystique, to the extent that it ever really existed, is history. We now have moved from the presidency that never should have been to the presidency that will never be. And who says things aren’t getting better?
Source: Politico
Trump won because Hillary was rejected. Plain and Simple.
Yep, and we are coming to make some real changes…….
Yeah we seen how his NAFTA vision worked out so well for all of us working stiffs dumb$#%&!@* 1% ! Wonder what those pole smokers were puffing on…..
And your hag ignored so many others! She lied, she only thinks of herself, and she murdered!
He could lie better than Killary!
Hey Bill Clinton…
Hows that pedophile addiction of yours going?
You still snorting coke too?
Maybe those white men are angry because you and Hillary sold thier daughter off as a sex slave or conned them out of thier donation money and now they have nothing to show for it?
Yup Trump was elected by old white men, and old black men, and old white women, and old black women, and old brown men and women, red men and women, yellow men and women. We all had one thing in common. Corruption had gotten way out of hand and we knew it. Trump is our white knight and he is going to drain the swamp.