The reasoning goes something like this: Since Hillary cannot be the reason that she lost the election, then the problem was with someone or something other than Hillary. It sort of makes sense except that it’s only partially correct. The reason Hillary lost the election was not only because was she a profoundly flawed candidate, but her campaign also left much to be desired.
Or, to put it in a way that would make her scream, she just got out maneuvered by a superior candidate who ran a superior campaign.
You can sort of understand her angst. After all, this is a woman who has been immersed in hard-core partisan politics most of her adult life. If she hasn’t gotten this election campaign thing figured out, then the unthinkable becomes thinkable — she might not be the most intelligent woman in America.
And then to add to our entertainment, Bill weighs in on the issue on page two.
Trump won because Hillary was rejected. Plain and Simple.
Yep, and we are coming to make some real changes…….
Yeah we seen how his NAFTA vision worked out so well for all of us working stiffs dumb$#%&!@* 1% ! Wonder what those pole smokers were puffing on…..
And your hag ignored so many others! She lied, she only thinks of herself, and she murdered!
He could lie better than Killary!
Hey Bill Clinton…
Hows that pedophile addiction of yours going?
You still snorting coke too?
Maybe those white men are angry because you and Hillary sold thier daughter off as a sex slave or conned them out of thier donation money and now they have nothing to show for it?
Yup Trump was elected by old white men, and old black men, and old white women, and old black women, and old brown men and women, red men and women, yellow men and women. We all had one thing in common. Corruption had gotten way out of hand and we knew it. Trump is our white knight and he is going to drain the swamp.