It’s a pretty sad situation when the whole roof caves in on his campaign because Mr. Trump made some highly offensive and sophomoric “locker room” comments about women eleven years ago, while at the same time Bill Clinton has behaved in a highly offensive and sophomoric and probably illegal way toward women, and he gets a pass.
Not only does the leftist media give him that pass, but his alleged victims would seem to be victims twice — once from Bill’s alleged behavior and now from persecution from the left to the point where they actually fear for their lives. Actually, they would each be victims three times over if we add the character assaults against them by Hillary, someone who purports to be supportive of women’s rights.
So are we going to defend the dignity and integrity of women or not? The way a woman is treated should not be dependent on irrelevant matters such race, religion, appearance, or her political views. Yet that’s what is going on as sponsored by the Hillary campaign.
We’ll hear from the unfortunate ladies on page two.
Vote Trump
The planet of reality. ..try it sometime.
She’s killed everyone else that’s crossed her, why should they be any different?
I understand your concerns, you are so brave.
We will all be concerned for our life if Hillary becomes president.
Stay safe ladies
Omg Clintons are a very dangerous pair.Dont trust them don’t turn your back on them they don’t like to be crossed.Look at all the deaths connected to them.I think Judge Scalia and JFK jr.might have been murdered
Yeah the will commit suicide with two bullets in the back of theirs heads with their bags packed ready to go.
TRUMP is a great guy, not perfect but he really loves his peeople, and wants to build the fence to protect people from terrrorism and bad inmigration, bad people, criminals and drug lords, wake up!!! It seems like there is acomplot destroy America with drugs, they are sending the drugs and the easiest soluccion to a problem is always something that makes you feel different for an hour, but misserable for the rest of time, it is making people lazy, anti GOD anti values, In the other hand you have Hillary who is a liberal and politician that will do nothing about it she laughs and smilles in times of danger to our children, this is the chaos, man with man, lesvians, liberals, walfare, f**e marrige, anchor babies, issis members, muslims who dont apriciate the friendly hand from american PEOPLE GUYS go and see the corruption there is in NYC on the streets, why? Because of bad inmigration, there is something against the good ones, they cant express themselfs or what they feel, its called racism.
This aint a joke bro, something really bad ls going on in American soil, people cant ezpress themselfs against bad people and their behavior because that is being racist, the vets are laying down the streets without mental help, muslims are flying planes into buildings come on! Its time to change
They should be this$#%&!@*is crazy