Americans used to joke about the elections in the former Soviet Union. One went like this, “Did you hear about the guy who broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election?” Unfortunately, the joke may now be on the US if recent revelations concerning potential voter fraud turn out to be true.
Fair, open, and honest elections are one primary support of our form of government. Knock that out, and the legitimacy of the candidates who won and were subsequently installed in office goes out the window.
More on this threat to our elections on page two.
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you acctually had anything and were honest I wouldn’t have to go to your sight and wade throught the advertisments to get this big news
3 million illegals voted for Hillary in California alone
The fraud was letting that$#%&!@*run!!!
Mark Carey Yes. God did put Trump in the White House. Everything that happens is because God allowed it to happen. God is the sustainer of all things. He allows bad things to happen for the good of all that love Him!
We need to return to free-standing voting machines. Meaning each machine records its totals on itself and the machine total readings are reported by a human to a central point. This way machine totals can be re-read over and over again for audit accuracy at any time.
How to get around this: 1. Require IDs in order to vote .2.Do away with computer tabulations: each voter uses a paper ballot which is hand counted by honest people in each county. The count is forwarded but the actual ballots stay in a safe in each county. That is how it is done in my county… so I know it can be done