Americans used to joke about the elections in the former Soviet Union. One went like this, “Did you hear about the guy who broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election?” Unfortunately, the joke may now be on the US if recent revelations concerning potential voter fraud turn out to be true.
Fair, open, and honest elections are one primary support of our form of government. Knock that out, and the legitimacy of the candidates who won and were subsequently installed in office goes out the window.
More on this threat to our elections on page two.
Oh come on now. All this information is coming from Alex Jones. Who the hell ever believes him?
Lies and a crock of ______.
discovered??? they just finished making it up methinks
The Crooks schemes did’nt work!
It was Hillary’s people that had all the boxes of f**e ballots.
They just keep making things up because they didn’t win.
If it was rigged would have been rigged for Hillary. So sick of this. RNC let FBI place firewalls in their servers, DNC refused to let them. So whose hiding info.
What about Obama running as an American.
And dip your thumb into BLUE PERMANENT INK!