Americans used to joke about the elections in the former Soviet Union. One went like this, “Did you hear about the guy who broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election?” Unfortunately, the joke may now be on the US if recent revelations concerning potential voter fraud turn out to be true.
Fair, open, and honest elections are one primary support of our form of government. Knock that out, and the legitimacy of the candidates who won and were subsequently installed in office goes out the window.
More on this threat to our elections on page two.
She got the popular vote because of California and New York. Highest percentage of democrats. Other than that she wouldn’t have.
If you remove the illegal votes, dead people votes, fraud from the master key, multi-votes from the same people there is no doubt that Trump also won the majority of votes…
Linda I think you need a reality check! Get your head out of your posterior and do the fact checks on Obama!
Linda I think you need a reality check! Get your head out of your posterior and do the fact checks on Obama!
I’m sooooo sick of hearing about this! The election is over, Donald Trump is our President Elect, can we please MOVE ON! I realize there isn’t a lot of exciting news right now but find something good else to write ABOUT PLEASE!
It’s probably the system Soros bought for Detroit.
I read about this month’s before the election. This is not new news.
we finally have moved past the Chicago days let’s never go back and all minds will respect the vote.
I could find no election fraud however, some influence prior to election. Caused by Hillary’s unpopular emails
Yes, but the Democrats didn’t buy enough votes, they had no idea that the American people would come out in droves to vote for Trump !