Americans used to joke about the elections in the former Soviet Union. One went like this, “Did you hear about the guy who broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election?” Unfortunately, the joke may now be on the US if recent revelations concerning potential voter fraud turn out to be true.
Fair, open, and honest elections are one primary support of our form of government. Knock that out, and the legitimacy of the candidates who won and were subsequently installed in office goes out the window.
More on this threat to our elections on page two.
Get over it your beloved hillary lost.
She is guilty as Sin and EVERYONE knows it. So anyone who says different is a sick liar.
Stop the hate.
Its time to get these criminal Clinton’s out of our life’s, and out of American politic , they are criminal and need to be dealt with accordingly, prision.!
Peters-Austin Angela the mainstream media kept him in the news with their f**e news. Clinton paid those women to lie. One of them had been connected to the Clinton foundation. As for George Soros he backed Obama from the time he ran for senate. Hr is also close to Clinton. He is the puppet master while Obama, Clinton and others are his puppets.
They need to check the names of the voters in the voter registry in the states where she got the highest votes. There could be deceased people still voting.
President Obama had his opportunity for greatness but failed big time. Historians will not give Obama’s legacy high grades. What did Obama do to earn the Nobel Peace Prize? Please someone, anyone tell me? What on earth were those herring choker Noregians thinking when they made that decision to award Obama the Nobel Peace Award? They must have been eating too much of that lutefist the previous day?
She truly believes , as long as she has a smile on her face , she will get away with everything . LOL
All the BS about the popular vote, that’s not how we choose the POTUS.
Trump rallies… massive
Hillary rallies. .. a frigging joke
Hillary was caught cheating at every turn, stealing the nomination from Sanders.
Getting debate questions in advance.
Boxes and boxes of illegal votes for her found in warehouses.
Odumbass telling illegal ALIENS. .not immigrants. .they can vote.
They tried everything to take out Trump, but the American people were pissed off.
We’re tired of illegal ALIENS and Muslim invaders being treated better than our veterans and the American people.
Yes it was