Americans used to joke about the elections in the former Soviet Union. One went like this, “Did you hear about the guy who broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election?” Unfortunately, the joke may now be on the US if recent revelations concerning potential voter fraud turn out to be true.
Fair, open, and honest elections are one primary support of our form of government. Knock that out, and the legitimacy of the candidates who won and were subsequently installed in office goes out the window.
More on this threat to our elections on page two.
This is what I get when I try to read this article: Error establishing a database connection
My friends…Tell me which picture depicts evil intentions. The pink or the blue…give me your good reason why ?
Put that crooked$#%&!@*in prison.
The USA people spoke, I feel like we just got our freedom, Thank you Mr. Predient Trump
She’s a Witch!
what that she tryed ever way to cheat but our god stopped her
with 8 years of obama we could not go through 8 more years of corrupt our lord stepped in and spoke some truth in us
And she still lost!
The fraud in this election was illegal immigrants voting for Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton voters stuffing ballot boxes,by voting more than once. The so called Russian interference was emails that were true just not intended for public.
Jeb Grant, God is not imaginary, and when the day of judgement comes you’ll find out.
[Rom 14:11] KJV For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.[12] So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Repent now while you have time!