Americans used to joke about the elections in the former Soviet Union. One went like this, “Did you hear about the guy who broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election?” Unfortunately, the joke may now be on the US if recent revelations concerning potential voter fraud turn out to be true.
Fair, open, and honest elections are one primary support of our form of government. Knock that out, and the legitimacy of the candidates who won and were subsequently installed in office goes out the window.
More on this threat to our elections on page two.
The only fraud i know about is Hillery getting votes from dead people. But she only lies when her mouth is open.
OMG – where is my coloring book and play-doh – please, please, send me a counselor, I need a to do a “cluster cry” …
Charles Goodwin oh , but I bet He allowed BO to be elected didn’t He !!
It’s interesting that HRC only won like 55 counties in this whole country and Trump over 3000 and the Dems feel that the Electoral College is a sham and that they got shafted !! This ought to tell anybody with a grain of good sense what the Democrat party is all about and that’s to take the election at any cost ! Even at the cost of destroying the country because like so many in this country , if they can’t get it don’t certain things , they want it to be where nobody can have it !
Why do so many not see that electronic tabulation is what the Dems want because they can manipulate it ! Yes , it may take a bit longer but like so many other things the old time honored way of doing it is paper ballots and count them one at a time ! We want everything immediately if not sooner in this society , and some things are too important to be sped up for the sake of convenience ! There’s very very litttle opportunity for fraud with this system and poll watchers and ballot counters can be changed out when fatigue sets in .
Is this the same poll that said Hillary had an 11 point lead?
This country supposed to a democracy if Hillary Clinton would have actually won the election then we would not be having voters recounts . Or hearing about the Russians hacking the election . If you ask me Putin would rather have Hillary Clinton for his own financial gain or power . Besides that the Russians were the last thing on my mind when I went to the voting booth. Truth is Hillary Clinton wanting me to compromise my Christian values and beliefs for her ungodly political policies. A vote for trump gave me more freedom to worship Jesus. So if you want to blame anybody hacking my to vote for a president then put the blame on Jesus .
Dennis Storey. The same going for mainstream media. You can’t believe what they are saying. The take out phrases to manipulate the meaning of the statement. I have witnessed this many times.
Only the democrats think this, still trying to push Hillary on us, they still don’t get it, that’s why the people voted trump. We couldn’t stand another four years of Obama. .