The Big Con: ’97 percent of scientists believe in global warming’

The global warmists are getting desperate. They have said if we did not take dramatic action this very minute or day or month, the world will face catastrophic repercussions. The plan is simple; get the politicians to take drastic measures, which include massive transfers of wealth to the U.N. and the various proponents of the theory, so that when nothing untoward happens they can claim credit for “saving the world.” The disasters are supposed to be imminent. The Himalayas will completely disappear, the ice at the north and south poles will completely melt, the coastal cities will be under ten feet of water, and hurricanes will destroy huge swaths of territory. And temperatures will rise by 5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, causing tens of thousands or millions to die.

But a strange thing happened on the way to doomsday. Nothing happened. None of those events happened.  Even the global temperature, which is virtually impossible to truly measure, has risen less than one degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years, and that with the earth getting slightly warmer as it recovers from the little ice age which occurred from around 1,300 to 1,850. That was preceded by the medieval warm period, which in itself suggests that global temperature varies.

And so we come back to the need for the global warming advocates who must claim expertise and consensus because the real time evidence has not lined up and shown their theories to be true. There is a lot of money riding on this, as well as the career success of a lot of academics and government experts, so “adjusting the data” seems the most rational thing to do.

You’ve probably heard that 97 percent of scientists say global warming is real. Of course, that in itself is a meaningless statement, since no one disputes that the earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century or so.

But the “97 percent of scientists believe in global warming” mantra became gospel on May 16, 2013, when President Obama tweeted “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous.”

What the president was referring to was a 2013 paper by the University of Queensland’s John Cook. In his research, Cook studied 11,994 papers published between 1991 and 2011 that mentioned the search words “global warming” and “global climate change.”

Guess what Cook actually found? Only 32.6 percent of the papers endorsed the view of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. But of that group, 97 percent said that “recent warming is mostly man-made.”

And so, by a nice sleight-of-hand obfuscation, the great “97 percent consensus” was born.

Don’t believe me? Here’s the actual, posted statement:

We find that 66.4 percent of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6 percent endorsed AGW, 0.7 percent rejected AGW and 0.3 percent were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1 percent endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.

Bottom line: In the actual study in question, only one-third of the 11,994 academic papers studied could be construed as arguing for man-made warming. The other two-thirds may have focused on other factors, perhaps the unprecedented increase in solar activity seen over the past century.

The whole global warming industry, including the U.N., has been scamming the world and looking to line their pockets by fear-mongering about a problem that does not truly exist, or at least is not caused by man and carbon based products, and there is very little we can do about it in any case. There are so many inputs, including most importantly the sun, that we cannot reasonably take truly effective action. And more importantly, to not recognize that the earth goes through all kinds of warming and cooling cycles naturally and will continue to do so is the height of stupidity.

The more logical response would be to demand that the global warming alarmists be silenced, if not, put into jail. And then let’s all talk a lovely walk outside, it is a beautiful, sunny day and we should simply be grateful for that.




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