A federal appeals court overturned an earlier decision against the federal government’s bulk collection of telephone data from millions of Americans. That means the government can spy on you all they want, collecting data that doesn’t even exist yet, but will in the future.
Read more on the next page, and know that they know that you are reading…
The key is to make NSA no longer legal.
Our own government is totally against us.
Government doesn’t care what Muslims are doing……theyre watching us.
US government violating cons$#%&!@*ution
Collect this data, I’m dropping out, going underground. No I don’t need you
The crooked are in Congress .our goverment .the different s$#%&!@* running this country. Oh and the White House.
No wonder this lovely phone was on clearance any guess to what brand?
I post way too much on fb to worry aboutphone calls.
If they u are that good at t collecting data the how are obama and clinton still free?
Let’s spy on those judges and see how they like it