A federal appeals court overturned an earlier decision against the federal government’s bulk collection of telephone data from millions of Americans. That means the government can spy on you all they want, collecting data that doesn’t even exist yet, but will in the future.
Read more on the next page, and know that they know that you are reading…
If our Federal Goverment can’t protect our rights to privacy !! WHO CAN ????
It has never been legal its stalking for anyone else so its stalking for the govt. if i went to a congressman’s home and dug through his papers and put cameras in his home id disappear from the planet the cons$#%&!@*ution is very clear on right to privacy and security americans have no reason to back down on it and every reason to use lethal force on there infringers ! end of privacy dissscussion
Invasion of peoples privacy aint that illegal
Thats the most ignorant response ever. It DOES NOT MATTER if you re doing anything wrong. Its the fact that its ILLEGAL AND $#%&!@* and this is america!! NOT N.KOREA!!
Good then they can track how much i despise evil $#%&!@*s that call themselves NSA!!!
We should all go back to like how I grew up. No phone, no TV, and no Computers. It would be hard, but we could do. May have to anyway if war breaks out. Or Isis.
Here too. Maybe I can teach them to Crochet. Thats All I do.
I agree , no phones, no computers, no tv. Thats how I grew up. It was pretty cool actually.
It has never been legal……..they just say it is!