Readers will recognize Big Brother as the all-seeing but unseen dictator of George Orwell’s 1984. Set in a dystopian world where the government controls almost every aspect of its citizens’ lives, the novel provides a chilling look at where we could end up if we don’t remain vigilant and stand against tyranny. As the rise of demagogues like Obama has shown unfortunately, it appears that many failed to do just this.
Like Big Brother, Obama is not so much a strong leader as a figurehead for the populace to revereĀ as the party he represents strips them of their rights and liberties, chief among them their right to privacy. And even as he prepares to turn over the levers of power, Obama is leaving the feds with a power they’ve long lusted after.
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you could just stop wasting ink because everything you have signed in will soon be gone along with You. THANK GOD
Chris Leonard there are videos on YouTube of Obama claiming to be a Muslim, as well as videos of him bowing to a Muslim king and discussing his Muslim family with that king. Obama’s brother is a Muslim use dresses and lives as a muslim. Obama has wrote 2 books that describe his muslim beliefs. All of this information is out there and available but you are apparently easy to mislead. Obama is telling you your a victim and as long as you believe it that’s all you’ll be.
He’s just making more paperwork for Mr. Trump!!!
just like King George did
F**k Obama
Nazi like agenda by Obama is very clear with his restriction by government on free speech!!!!! Speech now under government control!!!!
Big brother!!!!
Who is listening to this guy?
He should know better than to