Readers will recognize Big Brother as the all-seeing but unseen dictator of George Orwell’s 1984. Set in a dystopian world where the government controls almost every aspect of its citizens’ lives, the novel provides a chilling look at where we could end up if we don’t remain vigilant and stand against tyranny. As the rise of demagogues like Obama has shown unfortunately, it appears that many failed to do just this.
Like Big Brother, Obama is not so much a strong leader as a figurehead for the populace to revereĀ as the party he represents strips them of their rights and liberties, chief among them their right to privacy. And even as he prepares to turn over the levers of power, Obama is leaving the feds with a power they’ve long lusted after.
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Its ok once trump takes office he will over ride everything obama has done illegaly it all will be reversed
Hey ovimit how about this for free speach you are a no pos of a waste of a human hope you rot in hell you sorry a$$ mf bish
Is there actually anything of substance in this article? What a load of verbal diarrhoea
Trump & Co have their work cut out for them trying to undo and repair what the current administration has done. Sheesh…….
Screw that piece of c**p he cant
HR 5181 is a bill entitled “Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016”
According to the record it has not passed the House much less been introduced to the Senate.
Research is a wonderful thing.
Just trying to picture how his death certificate might be faked too! Maybe someone could create one for him and then we could just pretend he’s not around anymore.
We have a Constitution
It will be overturned due to constitution!