Readers will recognize Big Brother as the all-seeing but unseen dictator of George Orwell’s 1984. Set in a dystopian world where the government controls almost every aspect of its citizens’ lives, the novel provides a chilling look at where we could end up if we don’t remain vigilant and stand against tyranny. As the rise of demagogues like Obama has shown unfortunately, it appears that many failed to do just this.
Like Big Brother, Obama is not so much a strong leader as a figurehead for the populace to revereĀ as the party he represents strips them of their rights and liberties, chief among them their right to privacy. And even as he prepares to turn over the levers of power, Obama is leaving the feds with a power they’ve long lusted after.
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CNN only reports what they approve. that is what they want.
I hope one day you give your heart to someone and they will hold it tight as if it’s their own. I hope one day you wake up and have something or someone to live for. I hope one day you can go to bed smiling without a worry in the world. I hope one day the battle is over and you’ve won. I hope one day you meet someone who makes you realize how beautiful you truly are.
Next comes the department of truth. Like Germany’s Ministry of Truth.
Well I guess there goes the main stream media
Good luck on that one
Only the government is allowed to spread disinformation.
Government =mind control
Not from me he hasn’t.
Democrats can no longer be trusted. We must never elect another Democrat.