Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was booted from the Navy Reserve for cocaine use in February of this year, it was just revealed.
Shortly after being discharged, however, he was appointed to the board of directors one of the largest gas producers in the Ukraine.
I repeat! When associated with the federal gov’t, anything goes and you are protected.
give all of them drug test starting with obumer fiirst
Yes test them All. I think they are being druged at the whitehouse. Because they just sign ANYTHING into a law.
Yes all of the government employees and politicians should be drug tested, we probably would end up with half of a government.
He needs to be fired and his son in jail
yep.. at least before every vote !!!
Great pic! Dopey and Doper. Must run in the family.
That’s my boy!
no. do you even know how many people that is?
wo facedrick