Joe Biden might very well be one of America’s greatest mysteries. He’s like the fire you lit in your bedroom as a kid that miraculously hadn’t burnt down the house. It makes you wonder if whenever he speaks to the public, White House staffers are on the edge of their seats, like those friends you have in college who either try to keep you from drinking because you make a fool out of yourself or encourage it because it’s entertaining.
During a campaign rally today, Vice President Joe Biden not only revealed that he had access to the country’s nuclear codes, he actually pointed to the individual who had them, and this case, that individual was a military aide present at the event.
*Face Palm*
He might as well have invited terrorists to dine at the White House. All of this to make what he believed to be a valid point.
Find out what that point was on the next page.
No he is just another ignorant Democrat. That agent should have done us all a favor and shot that stupid$#%&!@*
I bet the main stream media won’t say anything about this on the evening news!!!!
Stupid flies high again!!
I think if she was to get elected there’s a lot of people that hate her and they might try to hurt her and that’s sad this whole election reminds me of clowns and a circus of course the. Same. Could be said about trump now when there on the news I just turn it off I don’t feel that Hillary should even be able to run for president her husband was empeach that’s inn it’s self conflict of interest for our nation
Moron !
Always knew he was a moron.
Forgive Joe he’s old and doesn’t know any better.
dum ass