Forced to hide their Bibles, Christians living in migrant housing are coming under greater persecution at the hands of the Muslim refugees dwelling with them in Germany. The Muslim asylum seekers living in the same migrant housing view all Christians as unclean.
The persecution at the hands of those who have supposedly escaped persecution in their home countries have turned on their new neighbors pouring out hate and forcing the Christian migrants to hide their Bibles and crucifixes, and meet for church in secret. This in a country that has experienced the depth of hate and persecution at the hands of Hitler and yet seem to have forgotten.
However, the open borders and the “misconceived tolerance” by the German government has created this circumstance. Cultural suicide is occurring in Germany as they accommodate the refugees while ignoring the citizens who have made the country what it is today. An example of giving too much to Muslim refugees and taking away from the Christians has been demonstrated in a Protestant church in Oerhausen, Germany, where 50 Muslims were given shelter. Crosses, pulpits, alters, and pews have been removed to better accommodate these people, this generous action has become tainted.
Read how devastating the situation is in Germany for the Christian asylum seekers on the following page.
New age Nazis
Or else?
Give Them Some King James Holy Bible And Put A Piece OF Paper With Where To Read John 3,16 IN IT And Write IT Down For Them Putting It IN Front OF The Bible
I hear they fear pigs.
Price of live pork going up.
Solid information, thanks for taking the time.
Wake up America….Now If we had violated the laws that Hillary has, we would be arrested and probably be serving life sentences…. We need a complete overhaul of our government. There is Corruption at All Levels of Goverment.. The one prerequisite is to have a deep understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Remembering that the government is for the People and of the People…… Trump 2016 – Hillary For Prison ….
Hmm. Remember when$#%&!@*had books burned. Somehow I’m pretty sure even he didn’t hide bibles because some cowards who wont even fight for the survival of their nations, and run to other counties, would be offended.