Beware the Camarilla: How Obama Planted Operatives in the Trump Admin

Months ago, I made a reference to the Game of Thrones storyline, about how our current government is engaged in political goings-on that are so insidious and so full of intrigue that even they themselves cannot keep track of all their lies and secret operations.  But that was shortsighted…I know now.

What I should have been focusing on was Barack Hussein Obama.  When I heard others talking about his evil deeds and how he had a single purpose and that was to topple the US government’s current power structure, I scoffed.

How can one man have that much influence?  How can he have that much power?

Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t elected president.  He was created by the shadows who stand to benefit from the chaos that will ensue through Obama’s covert actions.  He was handpicked because of certain elements of his nature that stood out so loudly as to warrant notice and they awarded him a position of power.  These elements were those that mimicked almost precisely those of the antichrist, those characteristics that could be used by the shadows to their benefit because half of the population that hears the term immediately tunes out and hears only the message that they are force-fed by the shadows, that they are free, that they are in charge of their own destinies, that they are shielded from harm by their government, and that they determine the leaders who sit atop their seats of authority in the halls of Congress.

But there is a surprise that even those who created Obama and his legacy of dearth, division and death.  They didn’t bank on Barack Hussein Obama usurping not only the seat of power in the United States government, but their own shadow seats as well.  For that to take place, Obama required his own shadow seat of power.  And now, he has attained it.


First off, what is a “camarilla?”

According to

Camarilla:  a group of unofficial or private advisers to a person of authority, especially a group much given to intrigues and secret plots; cabal; clique.

“A group of unofficial or private advisers…”

Last week, Truth and Action published an article about the Dick Morris podcast that detailed some very disturbing events that were taking place at the former Department of Shadowy Endeavors (DSE) where a “war room” of sorts had been set up with people who surrounded the ex-president (“a group of unofficial or private advisers to a person of authority…”) who were gathering for two conference calls every morning at 8:30 and 9:45 a.m. where marching orders were given for the day.  The idea for this group was to carry out specific, clandestine operations that would “appear” to be random and spontaneous, but in actuality were carefully orchestrated events specifically designed to undermine both the current Congressional docket and President Donald J. Trump (“…especially a group much given to intrigues and secret plots.”)

This is the Camarilla.  They do, in fact, call themselves the Resistance…have been for many, many months now.  If you recall, Keith Olbermann kicked off a very bizarre and insane rant, beseeching foreign intelligence agencies to assist he and other members of the Resistance to OVERTHROW THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND INSTALL OTHER LEADERS!

This infectious disease of the Establishment and its incestuous relationship with Regressivism is why today we have an environment in the Swamp conducive to the sort of Camarilla that has been created out of the muck, oil, sludge and filth that makes up Washington DC.

Take a look at this video and listen closely to the words that begin at about the 4-minute mark.  If you are not familiar with the Dick Morris video of his podcast, listen to the entire video.  However, know that the original podcast (of which a good portion of the transcription is embedded in the article linked above) has disappeared from the web completely.  There’s another clue that Morris was onto something important.

How Obama has retained power in the Trump Administration

Interestingly, the narrator speaks about the technical portion of what Obama had created, policy-wise, when he was looking ahead to a possible win by the GOP.  He notes that Obama, prior to his departure from the White House, embedded specific and very loyal individuals to himself in positions in the government whose job titles were then re-designated as non-civil service job titles, meaning that they would not be able to be removed without a direct supervisor terminating them The brilliance of this move was that, coupled with the compliance of the Jackass Party in Congress, Obama’s Camarilla had the ability to then block the appointments of over 1,200 leadership and supervisory positions in the current Trump administration, thereby disenabling the president from removing said embedded individuals!

What many of the current government structure did not bet on when they so enthusiastically climbed on board Obama’s Camarilla band wagon was that they would ultimately become his lackeys.  Nearly all members of the Swamp Establishmentariat, both Right and Left, are now answerable to Obama himself, some unknowingly, especially the ones who actually think they’re in charge (i.e., McCain, Graham, McConnell, Ryan, etc.).  That includes all intelligence community employees and their leaders and, with the assistance of the shadows that have given birth to Obama himself, this Illuminati-like organization, he has been given the keys to the very systems that bankroll these “false flag” endeavors:  the Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund (or World Bank).  Even Trump has been entangled with this organization through his daughter’s recent involvement in the Saudi donations to her Women’s Entrepreneur’s Fund, all of which would go to an IMF-operated committee.

Here’s another thing to think about.  If Obama was embedding these specific agents into the government who would be answerable only to him and his Camarilla, was he also betting on usurping a Hillary Clinton presidency?  If he was looking ahead and placing all these operatives in places that would be advantageous to his future moves, he must have also been looking at the possibility of a Clinton presidency.  This indicates that he does not view himself answerable to anyone but himself.

Now that the Camarilla is complete and in full operation, what is in store for us? 

It would appear that a series of “false flag” operations will now be in full swing; anything from an uprising of the MS-13 gang members in California and New York, to a complete takeover of American universities by Leftist radicals intent on murdering officials who would stand in the way of their demands.  We could possibly even see pseudo-militia groups like Black Lives Matter and anti-American faux-Anarchists with European ties making stabs into occupying certain vital industries in the US that are part of the overall flow of goods across the states.

Then there’s the specter of the Muslim infiltration that has been taking place thanks to the ongoing efforts of a Leftist party that has put the welfare of a people who are bent on our destruction before the safety of the very people who voted them into power.  The radical Islamists first strike would be a power grid destruction plot in order to reduce our entire military prowess to nothing but a purr.  Without power, satellite communications will be at a minimum.  The Air Force will be grounded.  Troops will be on standby.  Central Command (CENTCOM) will be inadequately able to deploy its forces.  SMART weaponry will be useless.  And we will suddenly be open to the danger of a full-scale invasion by either European forces with intent to assist us and eventually occupy us, or we will be at the mercy of either the Muslim force already here and infiltrating from both the northern and southern borders, or from the forces aligned with Russia and China.

Second, will be the strike on our food supplies.  Without a good, viable source of food, our citizenry will be starved and ineffective in a siege situation on our own soil.  What small amounts of resistance out there in the form of militia groups will be inadequate to stand against a virtual tidal wave of assault from nations in the Middle East.

Barack Hussein Obama despises America and for which it stands. He is the perfect puppet for the Deep State and NWO that knows they must completely destroy our nation in order to ultimately control it.


If we have come this far, where an ex-president can literally pierce an entire cabal with a needle and thread and draw them together under his control and use them to undermine our current administration, as well as continue to pull the strings of the Congress who have ceded their control to such a power already, we have no choice but to resist this Camarilla.

We have to keep ourselves well informed and updated on all the moves and all the events going on around the country at any given moment, realizing that they are all inter-related.  Events at the very far corners of the nation may seem unconnected, but they are all being conducted in the very manner that they will be perceived as unrelated.  This is a lie.

All of the information that is spilling out of this $5.3M mansion that Obama is using as the base of operations for his Camarilla is vital to our survival over the next decade.  If we allow a former president with no authority vested by the people to run day-to-day government affairs, then we might as well pack up our children and send them off to the camps that will be set up for them by Obama’s Camarilla.  These camps will not be there for mere brainwashing.  They will be labor camps designed to transform our children into the very soldiers of his army designed to destroy their own heritage and history.

If you haven’t already, keep yourselves awake and aware.  The Left uses the term “Stay Woke!”  For lack of a better emotion, I’m pretty sick and tired of people bastardizing the English language for the purposes of creating kitschy and trendy little sayings so that people remain stupid, blind and unmotivated.

“Stay Vigilant!”

The war is just beginning.


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