The source of the now infamous tape of Donald Trump engaging in vulgar “locker room talk” appears to have been identified, and it is right at the top — of the Republican Party leadership. So desperate are Republican Party power-brokers and the neocons to destroy the threat that Trump presents to their agenda that they are willing to stab their own candidate in the back, and by proxy, stab in the back every Republican who has supported the Trump campaign.
It appears now that the tape was released by a top advisor to Speaker Paul Ryan. So the Republican who serves as Speaker of House is attempting to take down his own party’s candidate for president. This has to be as historic as it is diabolical.
If Mr. Ryan had any integrity he’d resign. Of course, that won’t happen.
Should the Republicans manage to hold the House and Ryan get re-elected, those Republican representatives need to see to it that Paul Ryan never holds the Speaker’s gavel nor a committee chairmanship again.
Now that we’ve made that plain, the details of this sordid story of historic betrayal can be found on page two.
I toned down the certainty that this was a setup as the source and evidence is less certain, more speculative
Hi Jake, Thanks. I was a little concerned with this one given that our source didn’t look like the most solid we’ve ever seen. That said, I am aware of your request that I need to get a bit more “aggressive” in calling people out. Just realize that you won’t upset or offend me by offering editorial comments or requests. My goal is to give you just what you need to move the site forward. Regards, Craig
“Life is too short to be anything but happy. Love deeply, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything with no regrets and forget the past with exception of what you have learned and remembered everything happens for a reason.”
“All forms of politics are DIRTY!” A quote from the movie “Winds of War” – but oh so true today!
Wonder what is in store for these people when Trump is president
Clinton has been basing her entire campaign on ‘how disrespecting Trump is toward women. This has been her plan from day one. Clinton preys on the African Americans, Latinos, Women, Millennial voters, (while supporting and representing every corrupt organization in this entire world) – because that’s honestly the only ones who’ll vote for her. Clinton has done a lot of nothing for these people in the past 30+ years. Why would they contunie to support her (IF they actually are)????? When the Clinton’s left the white house, they were so broke that they couldn’t pay their own personal mortgages. Now, they are worth billions. How can that be? Speeches they were paid several hundreds of thousands of dollars for giving??? They have not built anything, supposedly had no money to invest, or made a penny utilizing their law degrees (Oops, Bill lost his law degree when he was impeached), so you have to ask yourself, HOW are the Clinton’s multi billionaires now? It’s really not that complicated to figure it out. Both of them have used and are still using their status, influence, as well as connections, and used them to make deals with multiple Arab nations, various terrorists groups, special interests groups, corporations, and elites from all over the world – AT THE EXPENSE OF WE THE PEOPLE! No one will ever know for sure just how many of our men and women in uniform were killed with “American weapons”, that CLINTON traded and or sold to the very people who hate Americans and our way of life. The bottom line here is; If Clinton doesn’t get elected, the probability of the CLINTON’S, OBAMA’S OFFICIALS WITHIN THE DEPT. OF JUSTICE, FBI, CIA, CONGRESS, MULTIPLE CORPORATIONS, ELITES, SPECIAL INTEREST’S GROUPS, BIG BANKS/FINANCIAL INSTITUTES, IRS, HEADS OF STATES/WORLD LEADERS, AND ALL THE WAY DOWN TO LOCAL STATE/COUNTY/CITY GOVERNMENTS, WILL BE EXPOSED FOR THEIR ROLES IN THE MASSIVE CORRUPTION THAT HAS PLAUGED THIS GREAT NATION OF OURS, THAT WE THE PEOPLE CALL HOME.
This is why the people who were/are involved in the corruption will say, insinuate, and do whatever is deemed necessary to protect their sorry asses. Hence – Clinton catering to the African Americans, Latinos, Women, and Millennials, She desperately needs her campaign to appear she’s winning, so when the election IS rigged, all will appear like a normal election process.
Wisconsin must be loaded with left wing RINO’s to put a clown like Ryan in office.
Paul Ryan is going to take out Mr. Trump’s trash because he is so good with trashing people!
Didn’t these people think the word would get out about what they have done. Now where to the go. Your Name is ruined. Your suppose to protect that name not distort it.