The Daily Caller notes this Washington Post reporter, Theodore Johnson:
“Racial reconciliation is impossible without some kind of broad-based, systemic reparations,” writes Theodore R. Johnson, a former White House fellow and current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University. “But if a pecuniary answer can’t fix the structural disadvantage — and it can’t — what can?”
The answer, Johnson argues, is simple: weighted voting, where black votes count for more than white ones. Specifically, Johnson suggests giving each black person five-thirds of a vote, to reverse the old three-fifths compromise written into the U.S. Constitution.
Of course, Mr. Johnson is entirely ignorant of the Constitution and American History, since the 3/5 rule was designed to blunt slavery; that slave holders claimed an additional personal vote for each man slave owned, thus the fractional rule to stave off overwhelming Democrat slave holder voter blocks. But then, Johnson is too racially blinded to actually research that of which he speaks.
As Johnson gleefully notes, counting black votes more than others would significantly alter many elections in the U.S. In the 2012 election, several Southern states with high black populations, such as Mississippi and Georgia, would have swung over to Barack Obama’s column, and their recent Senate races would have been decided in Democrats’ favor as well.
Read Mr. Johnson’s sadly ignorant solution here.
One would laugh it if weren’t so sad.
Racism is illegal.
If any of their ancestors are still alive I will be glad to repay them but not the ones that are alive now they were never slaves they have the same right and lives as I do now. So if obama is paying them then everyone in the south should also be paid for what the North done to us.
So true!
Free stuff matters
Keep telling black people they are sub standard and slow and to be fair they need special treatment and allowances is RACISM and keeps them in the state they are in. Treat them as equals expect the same from them as everyone else and you will free them and watch them grow and succeed in this world. This slavery thing is BS many other people came here as slaves or substandard people were treated unfairly and hinderd with prejudice and now are not. This is just wrong to treat people like this.