Diatomaceous Earth will kill any insect with an exoskeleton, like cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, fleas, etc. by compromising their waxy coating and destroying their internal organs through dehydration.
Yet, you can eat diatomaceous earth. In fact, you do all the time in grain based foods because DE is added by companies as a bug killer.
See Following Page:
Nice stuff…
doesn’t work for fleas
How can it be non toxic AND kill things?
Yes it kills any bugs that crawl and won’t hurt any one if they eat it.safe for all.but if it get wet won’t work.reapply
IF! It has not been annealed at high temp like pool product.
That diatomaceous earth is like smooth little marbles.
Get the edible kind not the kind used in swimming pool filters. You can buy it at a feed store. a 50 pound bag is just a few dollars
If you spill any on a carpet do NOT try to clean it up with a normal vacuum cleaner. It will p$#%&!@* through the filter and float all over your house.
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Diatomaceous earth has over 100 known carcinogens. They cause cancer. “Non-toxic” is a lie.
@[798850516:2048:Tracey Lifner]