Bernie Sanders is known for his radical socialist beliefs but even such a radical leftist can sometimes hold reasonable views. For example, his views on America’s ‘war on drugs’ and his stance on mass incarceration are surprisingly similar to those of libertarians.
Sanders’ position on gun ownership has also historically been very different from those of his socialist pals. His voting record seems to show his support for gun rights. But in light of his recent statements, Sanders’ past enthusiasm for gun rights now appears to have been a sham.
This fool
Only in the race to make Hillary look moderate.
Bernie, you make Obama look like a radical conservative, I like what you have to say and few will disagree, however like most liberals you never talk about national security, the real Isis threat , the 20 trillion debt, it’s all about gimme, gimme with no wAy to pay . If your ideas about those real issues I will listen
I’m just ready for Obama to be out of the White House and all this slander and mess to be over with. I swear I wish we still had Ronald Reagan…..
Like that was ever in doubt?
Bernie wants to play the “political game” ( for president ). You don’t play without towing-the-line. “Politicians are Liars” ref: Edward Bernays.
Another f**e, phoney and a fraud.
With the black panthers running around screaming about killing all white people, any move toward gun control could be construed as agreement that all whites should die.
Let’s not forget what is he going to do about the true 20% unemployment! He is appealing to the 48% of the public that pay no Federal Income Tax…. Because someone else owes more than they do!
Ven you are correct! ObamiNation is running for the New World Order.. That is what the World Trade deal is about!