Bernie Sanders is known for his radical socialist beliefs but even such a radical leftist can sometimes hold reasonable views. For example, his views on America’s ‘war on drugs’ and his stance on mass incarceration are surprisingly similar to those of libertarians.
Sanders’ position on gun ownership has also historically been very different from those of his socialist pals. His voting record seems to show his support for gun rights. But in light of his recent statements, Sanders’ past enthusiasm for gun rights now appears to have been a sham.
he is a hypocrite, but they all are…hopefully Trump will win
Commie Pig.
He is of the devil evil
The guy calls himself a communist, yet the media continue to try to hide that fact by calling him a “socialist”. A term which has become a b$#%&!@*ity.
Have to admit I wonder if his war on the 1% is going to migrate 180 degrees.
This is another evil person .
Here is the new cl$#%&!@*ification that should be used for these individuals. Anti-Cons$#%&!@*utional Socialist. That is being restrained a bit..
It should be Anti-Cons$#%&!@*utional Socialist/Communist. Anyone that speaks out against any provision of the Cons$#%&!@*ution should be considered as such..
The following video was done after the Bill of Rights were adopted.. There is a reason why the founding fathers did not draft the second amendment to read,”The Right To Bare Muskets” as some on the Left try to use in their bid to push gun control.
In many cases it is the Tyranny of the Government that is to be feared the most!
Socialist pig does he not understand America is tire of socialism trying to be crammed down our throats? We are not or ever have been a socialist nation !! That liberal socialist c**p we been getting fed to us , America intends on ridding ourselves of it at the polls. It has done nothing but divide this nation and incited racism not seen at this magnitude since the 60’s and earlier . It has become an epidemic response for everything ! So no we don’t want or need liberal socialism here . We will rebuild this great nation to its greatness that this current administration has tried to destroy !!!
Bernie go home you are thru!