Bernie Sanders is known for his self described socialist policies. At every step, he’s tried to bring more government control into the sphere of economics. Just as often as he urges for more economic control, he does his best to bash capitalism. Remember when he was trying to invalidate the free market by making the ridiculous argument that we don’t need “23 choices of underarm spray deodorants”?
Now he’s at it again, urging the pass of a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to fifteen dollars. What do you suppose Bernie really thinks of his own bill? Let’s look at Sanders’ actions and see what they suggest.
Stupid question
Bernie is a steaming pile! NOT the answer for our country. Jason, you don’t ‘have’ to support this jaggoff just because you sided as a ‘Democrat’ once years ago.
I know.
The people that Owns Fox News did that!!! Saudi !!!! Get it !!! And ur hero did this….. Reagan!
You are ignorant. No wonder you’re still single. You just want more off the government $#%&!@*, as heaven knows you’ll never get a real one.
The libtard dictionary of terminology,
Sharing: Stealing first from one person under color of law to then “give” to another person. If the person you’re stealing from does not “volunteer” to “give”, then use any fascist tactic to “force” the “donation.”
Compromise: The ability to set aside morals, empathy and accountability to further your party.
Patriotism: Disguised actually as Nationalism and belief in furthering government control–except on race, sex, etc.. [Witness Obama giving the lecture to join government and to reject the voices that tyranny lurks in government– all-the-while knowing what Snowden revealed on spying was true.]
Loyalty: Voting for the interests of your socialist corporate government ideology under the faux premise of helping others. Loyalty to voters is throwing them under the bus for furthering the socialist cause.
Scandalize & Whitewash: Create the scandal and then suppress all evidence of same. Then blame for wasting time and money investigating.
Voter ID: Create a faux scandal to capture minority votes.
Reading: Sorry. . .Not a requirement for liberal politicians.
Fox News: A whipping horse to tactically use to distract from the leftwing influence at every other news outlet.
Global Warming. . .whoops Climate Change: A boondoggle weapon of m$#%&!@* distraction. Rely only upon the supposed expertise of politically-inclined scientists.
Ferguson: A town to be exploited for political gain in garnering support. . . that no elitist liberal would ever visit.
Iraq: A place leftwing’s blame on Bush.
Military: The Peace Corps version desired
Tolerance: What you preach but don’t practice. Hatred towards certain topics, people, religion, etc. is OK as liberal tolerance.
Teaparty: A party to hate because it opposes socialism.
Christian: A party to hate because one can’t serve the master Christian God and serve the socialism master of government.
Capitalism: Something to hate because it opposes socialism.
Muslim: Something to embrace because it isn’t Christian.
Conservative: Something to hate because they oppose socialism.
Corporations: Something to hate under the disguise of monopoly tendencies but actually because they favor capitalism. Exception: All government describes itself as corporate. Thus its ok to worship the monopoly corporate government. Apologize for the wrongs of corporation government.
Education: Only leftwing education is permitted–so edicts “the party”.
Guns: An object we wish to ban except for the police-state. Exception: Police can’t use for MayDay violence, black riots, etc. but MUST use deadly force to protect socialist politicians.
Europe: A failing example of socialism that liberals wish to copy for America even though the liberal European Red Cross states it’s miserably failing the people.
Progressive: Label any program progressive and win–the root word ‘progress’ insures acceptance by dumbed-down liberals. No need to investigate consequences or read details–“just do it.” If it fails, blame Bush.
Accountability: Only non-liberals are held accountable. For liberals the end justifies any means possible–especially, hold no socialist accountable.
Obama: An object to vote-for to remove all racism guilt. A lord of the religion of Hope and Change and Progressive Socialism. Hold his name sacred as Lord. Defend his actions at all cost. Always cast half white Obama as all black and always distract all opposition with the inaccurate statement of “you don’t like Obama because he’s black!”.
Racist: When all else fails, throw out this label.
Isn’t he dead yet? Well he looks dead.
Don’t let this commie go on.
He doesn’t look like he could survive four years!
^^Too long.. Nobody is gonna read all
Anyone who;
Isn’t a Billionaire.. AND doesnt vote for Bernie Sanders, is a moron.