Racism. That’s what Sanders calls it. Islamophobia. That’s what Sanders says needs to be eradicated. Listening to Sanders, his foreign policy starts right here in America. Sanders says what ails the Middle East is Islamophobia, not people trying to blow America up. No. If America would be more tolerant all this nonsense about jihadists and terrorism would go away.
more on the “Bern” and Islamophobia next page
Why do you make your mother ‘s eat there own children do you also allow them to be married or rape & sell there children do you rape goat’s?????ext.
Alzheimer’s….all day. Go home man. Go home.
about as stupid as Jimmy carter
Stupid old man
Go puck yourself you kommie badtard
You are right Islam is not a state, Islam is a socialist Government ruled by the Koran and first century ideology and laws.
Sanders is the biggest joke in politics.
omg what is he smoking?
Suicidal liberal maniacs!!