Racism. That’s what Sanders calls it. Islamophobia. That’s what Sanders says needs to be eradicated. Listening to Sanders, his foreign policy starts right here in America. Sanders says what ails the Middle East is Islamophobia, not people trying to blow America up. No. If America would be more tolerant all this nonsense about jihadists and terrorism would go away.
more on the “Bern” and Islamophobia next page
This would be correct
You gotta get all the brainless and illegals to stop voting democrats, its the democrats that arm criminals but prevent legal law abiding people to legaly arm themselves
Americans especially have that “it can’t happen here” attitude. But yet it is happening right in front of us. And still half the people refuse to see it…. In Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, all these countries took in refugees and now are being terrorized by them, yet Americans still believe “it can’t happen here”. Our President makes deals behind closed doors with know terrorist funding groups yet ” it can’t happen here ” our government threatens our citizens with prosecution for speaking out about Islam yet ” it can’t happen here”. 14 people are killed by terrorist when the neighbors knew something was up ahead of time but to afraid of being persecuted for bigotry to say anything yet “it can’t happen here”. Social media sites allow ISIS to use its sites to recruit new members and no one even ask why… yet ” it can’t happen here”
Peace and Islam in the same sentence….terrorist.
Omg he touched the muslim woman!! *gasps*
listen fool theyll kill you in a second given the chance
Bernie, you don’t have a clue you old career blood sucker politician. You are a traitor, siding with muslims. You are scum.
There is no such thing as peace and Islam! Anyone that believes this is agreeing with Allah (satan) desguised as the true God! Why ? Because Satan wants to be God! Something that will NEVER happen! Your time is short lord of evil! Take who will follow you and good riddance!
This guy seriously needs to be put in a nursing home