The authoritarian left’s disdain for liberty and especially freedom of speech was on full display in Berkeley, where anti-Trump agitators took to the streets and rioted over a planned speech by Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley. One unfortunate girl who did nothing more than wear a hat that parodied Trump’s trademark MAGA caps found herself confronted and pepper sprayed by these intolerant preachers of “tolerance”:
Watch me get pepper sprayed by peaceful protesters at UC Berkeley.
— Kiara Robles (@kiarafrobles) February 2, 2017
This is not protesting, this is rioting and victimizing young women. Lock them up, give them fines and throw them in jail for a while. Berkeley should have their funding stopped. They don’t seem to have done anything to try to stop this violence.
In the words of the infamous and quotable Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”. Guess not. In the words of fictional character Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does”. Seems we can’t get along and are very stupid. Funny word “stupid”. Think I will “Google” it’s origin.