It may be hard to contemplate but believe it or not, there is nothing liberal about the modern American left: on the contrary, it is more accurately described as authoritarian.
Chances are you’re thinking to yourself “What does he mean the left isn’t liberal? Of course it’s liberal!” This understandable misconception, of course, arises from progressives’ appropriation of the label “liberal”. Initially, it denoted someone who believed that choices were best left up to the individual instead of the government, a sentiment whose heritage ranges from John Locke and John Stuart Mill to the Founding Fathers and Milton Friedman.
Today, however, the term means precisely the opposite, thanks to the misleading efforts of the left to describe themselves as liberals, even though there is nothing remotely liberal about their ideology of unlimited power for the government and limited rights for the individual.
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This is not protesting, this is rioting and victimizing young women. Lock them up, give them fines and throw them in jail for a while. Berkeley should have their funding stopped. They don’t seem to have done anything to try to stop this violence.
In the words of the infamous and quotable Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”. Guess not. In the words of fictional character Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does”. Seems we can’t get along and are very stupid. Funny word “stupid”. Think I will “Google” it’s origin.